Severe Thunderstorms Hit Central Europe as Portugal Basks in Sunshine

Central Europe prepares for heavy thundery showers on May 12-13, while Portugal and southern European countries enjoy dry and sunny conditions. France, Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland expect significant rainfall and thunderstorms, contrasting with mild temperatures in Portugal and Scandinavian countries.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Severe Thunderstorms Hit Central Europe as Portugal Basks in Sunshine

Severe Thunderstorms Hit Central Europe as Portugal Basks in Sunshine

As central Europe braces for heavy thundery showers on May 12-13, 2024, Portugal and other southern European countries are enjoying dry and sunny conditions. The stark contrast in weather patterns across the continent has meteorologists closely monitoring the situation.

Why this matters: The severe weather system affecting central Europe serves as a reminder of the importance of staying informed about local weather conditions, especially during periods of extreme weather events. Moreover, the contrasting weather patterns highlight the need for European countries to develop and implement effective strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change.

France, Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland are expected to bear the brunt of the severe weather, with forecasts indicating the potential for significant rainfall and thunderstorms. Meanwhile, Portugal, Spain, and the Scandinavian countries are basking in mild temperatures and clear skies.

In Portugal, the Instituto Português do Mar and Atmosphere (IPMA) reports that an anticyclone located in the Azores region is responsible for the pleasant weather in the North and Center regions, with maximum temperatures ranging from 18-25°C. The South region is experiencing even warmer conditions, with temperatures reaching 24-30°C.

However, the IPMA warns that the good weather in Portugal is expected to weaken in the afternoon of May 12, allowing the approach of a frontal system that will affect the weather on May 13. The North and Center regions are forecast to experience rain, with winds from the northwest blowing up to 30 km/h and intensifying to 40 km/h in the highlands.

The United Kingdom is also facing heavy rain and thunderstorms, with weather warnings issued across the country. Temperatures in some parts of the UK could reach as high as 27°C on Sunday, potentially making it the hottest day of the year so far. "The really warm air will probably be confined to southern and eastern parts of England, with temperatures expected to peak in central parts of the country at around 27C," said Simon Partridge, a Met Office meteorologist.

As the severe weather system moves across central Europe, authorities are urging residents to stay informed about local weather conditions and take necessary precautions. The contrasting weather patterns serve as a reminder of the diverse and unpredictable nature of European climate, with different regions experiencing vastly different conditions simultaneously.

Key Takeaways

  • Central Europe to face heavy thundery showers on May 12-13, 2024.
  • Portugal and southern Europe enjoy dry and sunny conditions.
  • France, Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland to bear the brunt of severe weather.
  • UK faces heavy rain and thunderstorms, with temperatures up to 27°C.
  • Authorities urge residents to stay informed about local weather conditions.