Shout 2.0 Competition Selects Top 30 Schools for Phase Two

Recover Guyana's Shout 2.0 competition selects top 30 secondary schools from over 70 entries to compete in Phase Two. The live competition will take place on World Environment Day, June 05, 2025, to determine Guyana's Top Youth Environmental Speaker for 2024.

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Shout 2.0 Competition Selects Top 30 Schools for Phase Two

Shout 2.0 Competition Selects Top 30 Schools for Phase Two

The Search for Guyana's Top Youth Environmental Speaker 2024 has advanced to its next phase, with the top 30 secondary schools selected from over 70 entries to compete in Phase Two of the Shout 2.0 competition. Organized by Recover Guyana, a non-governmental environmental organization, the initiative aims to find the "Top National Youth Environmental Speaker" among grades 9-10 students.

Why this matters: This competition has the potential to inspire a new generation of environmentally conscious leaders in Guyana, who can drive positive change in their schools and communities. By engaging students in environmental advocacy and public speaking, the competition can contribute to a more sustainable future for the country.

In the initial phase, both private and public secondary schools submitted one-minute video entries detailing sustainable changes they would make to their school's environment if given $1 million. The entries were evaluated based on environmental knowledge, basic budgeting, and public speaking skills. From the pool of over 70 submissions, 30 schools have been chosen to advance to the next round.

The top 30 schools moving on to Phase Two include prestigious institutions such as Queen's College, St. Roses High School, and Marian Academy, as well as regional schools like Abram Zuil Secondary School, Anna Regina Secondary School, and Mackenzie High School. These schools will now have the opportunity to showcase their environmental knowledge and public speaking abilities on a national platform.

In the upcoming phase, representatives from the selected schools will participate in capacity-building sessions and prepare a 90-second speech on a predetermined environmental topic. A panel of judges will score the speeches to determine the top 10 participants, who will then move on to an impromptu speech segment. Finally, the top three will engage in a standard question segment to determine the ultimate winner.

The live Shout 2.0 competition is scheduled to take place on World Environment Day, June 05, 2025, at 09:00h at the Ramada Georgetown Princess Hotel. The event promises to be an exciting showcase of Guyana's young environmental leaders and their innovative ideas for creating sustainable change in their schools and communities.

Shout 2.0 is supported by ExxonMobil Guyana and represents a collaborative effort between Recover Guyana and the Ministry of Education. By engaging students in environmental advocacy and public speaking, the competition aims to foster a new generation of eco-conscious leaders who will drive positive change in Guyana's schools and beyond. As the competition progresses, the nation eagerly awaits to discover who will emerge as Guyana's Top Youth Environmental Speaker for 2024.

Key Takeaways

  • Recover Guyana's Shout 2.0 competition selects top 30 schools to compete for Guyana's Top Youth Environmental Speaker 2024.
  • Competition aims to inspire environmentally conscious leaders among grades 9-10 students.
  • Top 30 schools will participate in capacity-building sessions and speech competitions.
  • Live competition to take place on World Environment Day, June 05, 2025, at Ramada Georgetown Princess Hotel.
  • ExxonMobil Guyana and Ministry of Education support the initiative to foster eco-conscious leaders.