Saffi Vette Overcomes Tragedy to Reach Olympic Surfing Dream

Saffi Vette, a 24-year-old surfer from New Zealand, is set to compete in the 2024 Olympic surfing event in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, despite facing personal tragedy and challenges. She draws motivation from her late father's memory and guidance, and is poised to make her mark on the global stage.

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Saffi Vette Overcomes Tragedy to Reach Olympic Surfing Dream

Saffi Vette Overcomes Tragedy to Reach Olympic Surfing Dream

Saffi Vette, a 24-year-old surfer fromGisborne, New Zealand, is set to compete in the 2024 Olympic surfing event in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, which is now just 100 days away. Vette's journey to the Olympics has been marked by personal tragedy, as she lost her father and surfing mentor, Andy Vette, to cancer in 2020. Despite this devastating loss, Vette has persevered, drawing motivation from her father's memory and the knowledge he imparted to her during their 18 years together.

Vette reflects on her father's influence, saying, "I carry him with me everywhere, which is something very special... I have saved messages that I got from him, which I look back on. Even just looking back on those messages, it keeps me motivated and keeps me trying my hardest." She acknowledges the invaluable coaching and mentorship her father provided, stating, "I was lucky enough to get 18 years of him. The knowledge I gained from my dad is something I definitely took for granted. I didn't know how good I had it until I lost him."

In addition to coping with her father's passing, Vette has faced other challenges on her path to the Olympics. She was diagnosed with dyslexia in her third year of secondary school, which made reading, writing, and working with numbers difficult. Vette also endured bullying at school due to her sporting abilities, leading her to consider leaving school altogether. Despite these hurdles, she persisted, leaving school in Year 13 to focus on her passion for surfing.

"Putting yourself in an uncomfortable position really pushes you mentally and physically, so I'm really looking forward to pushing my boundaries and seeing what I've got. I'm not going to hold back, and I'm really excited to be in this environment and push myself to the limits," Vette declares.

The Olympic surfing event in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, will be a groundbreaking competition, as it marks the furthest distance between an Olympic venue and the host city, with a record-setting 15,771km separating the two locations. Vette will face some of the globe's top surfers in the competition, which is expected to showcase the best of surfing talent from around the world. Despite a lack of central funding, local businesses and supporters in Vette's hometown of Gisborne have rallied to raise funds to support her Olympic build-up.

As the 100-day countdown to the 2024 Olympic surfing event begins, Saffi Vette's inspiring story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the enduring influence of a father's love and guidance. With her unwavering determination and the support of her community, Vette is poised to make her mark on the global stage, carrying her father's memory with her as she takes on the challenges of Teahupo'o and pursues her Olympic dream.

Key Takeaways

  • Saffi Vette, 24, to compete in 2024 Olympic surfing event in Teahupo'o, Tahiti.
  • Vette lost her father and surfing mentor to cancer in 2020, but finds motivation in his memory.
  • She overcame dyslexia and bullying to pursue her surfing passion.
  • Vette will face top surfers in the competition, with local businesses supporting her Olympic build-up.
  • The Olympic surfing event marks a record-setting 15,771km distance from the host city.